Prof. Dr. med. Michael Nerlich, Pentling
Professor Emeritus of Trauma Surgery at the University of Regensburg
First Vice-President:
Professor Reinhard Burger, Berlin; President Emeritus of the Robert Koch Institute Berlin for many years
Second Vice-President:
Dr. med. Christian Taube, MBA; Chief Operations Officer of Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig gGmgH, Braunschweig
General Secretary
Dr. med. Gabriela Soskuty, Berlin; Senior Vice President Global Government Affairs & Market Access B. Braun SE
Dr. Martin Schloh, München; Managing Partner ALEA Life Science GmbH
Managing Director
Dr. med. Wolfgang Reuter, Berlin
Former President
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Ohrloff, Frankfurt
Honorary President
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Wilhelm-Wolfgang Höpker, Hamburg
Dr. med. Gabriela Soskuty
Dr. med. Gabriela Soskuty
Senior Vice President Government Affairs & Market
Access, B. Braun SE, Berlin
Secretary General of the German-Chinese Society for
Medicine DCGM
Board Member of the of German Pharmaceutical Industry
Association BPI
Past Board Member of the Society for Health Economics
Past member of Health Research Advisory Board of the
German Ministry of Education and Research
Past physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Bad
Soden General Hospital
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Nerlich
Dr. Martin Schloh
Dr. Martin Schloh
Founder and CEO of ALEA Life Science GmbH, München
Founder and CEO of Fortis Pharma GmbH, München
Treasurer of the German-Chinese Society for Medicine DCGM
Former Partner with management consultancies Roland
Berger, AT Kearney, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and
Oliver Wyman
Former pharmaceutical marketing manager at Bayer
Pharmaceuticals, Leverkusen
Chemist and serial entrepreneur
Dr. med. Christian Taube, MBA
Dr. med. Christian Taube, MBA
CEO of UKE Consult und Management GmbH, Hamburg
2nd Vice President of the
German-Chinese Society for Medicine DCGM
Assessor of Society for OR-Management VOPM
Past Board of Society for OR-Management VOPM
Past OR-Manager of University Medical Center HamburgEppendorf (UKE)
Past senior physician at Harburg General Hospital
Anesthesiologist and specialist in intensive care and
emergency medicine
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Burger
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Burger
* 27 May 1949 in Rossdorf 1987-1998 Head of the Department of Immunology, 1998-2011 Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, 2001-2010 Vice-President of the Robert Koch Institute, 2010-2015 President of the Robert Koch Institute Robert Koch Institute Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin
Studied biology, microbiology, immunology. Doctorate in 1976 and habilitation in 1982 at the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz. 1983 to 1987 Professor of Immunology at the Faculty of Theoretical Medicine, University of Heidelberg. Since 1989 Professor of Immunology at the FU Berlin (University Hospital Benjamin Franklin). Various stays abroad, including 1977 – 1979 at the American Natl. Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, and Wuhan Medical School, PR China. Main fields of work: Complement system, anaphylatoxins, function of differentiation antigens on lymphoid cells in the experimental model guinea pig; immune response to mycobacteria, transmission of infections by blood and blood products. Project funding by the German Research Foundation in various collaborative research centres or individual applications as well as by foundations and scholarship programmes. Member of various scientific societies. 1993-2015 Chairman of the Working Group on Blood of the Federal Ministry of Health, a national expert committee advising the Federal Government and the Federal States on issues of safety and effective use of blood components and plasma derivatives. Participation in various national and international expert committees. In addition to publications, numerous recommendations, statements and guidelines in the field of infectious diseases, immunology and transfusion medicine, especially on questions of the infectious safety of blood products and the detection of infectious agents. Long-standing member of the Standing Working Group of the German Medical Association, which develops the guideline for the collection of blood and blood components and the use of blood products (guideline haemotherapy). Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Centre for Infection Research. A number of honours, including an honorary doctorate from Kitasato University Tokyo in 2014, the Science Award for Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donation of the German Red Cross and the Franz Oehlecker Medal of the Deut. Ges. für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie. In 2015 he received the Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Dr. med. Wolfgang Reuter, MA
Dr. med. Wolfgang Reuter, MA
Since the beginning of his studies he was interested in the interface between health and society, between politics and medicine.
Therefore, he studied medicine on one hand, and politial sciences, sociology and philosophy on the other hand. In Freiburg (Southern Germany) and Paris. He obtained an MD and MA degree.
His main interest was reflected in his work
- For Prognos AG, Basel, in applied research in healthcare (1988-89)
- As a junior professor in medical sociology at the University Hospital of Giessen (1989-92)
- For the Federal Association of sick fund doctors (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung)
- As Head of health policy of what is today Sanofi Germany (1992-1999)
- As Head of claims (Leistungsaussendienst) at Deutsche Krankenversicherung, a leading private health insurance in Germany (1999-2010)
- As Chief Medical Officer of Deutsche Krankenversicherung DKV and Ergo, a leading general insurance group in Germany, (2007-2022)
- He continues to be a consultant in healthcare